Horse Riding Lessons - Yana's First Fall (Philippines)

Yana's First Fall from Horse Riding (video)

Image via youngrider

     Looks like riders recover from their fall much faster than their mothers. Uh! It takes a lot of effort to be calm and composed when you see your child fall! Now, I'm not so sure I want to watch her next riding session. I still have that creepy sensation somehow.     
     It's always advisable and good habit to wear helmet and protective vest when horse riding. It's not a 100% guarantee but it sure helps. As we all know, all riders fall. Yana actually seemed glad she finally had her first. Such a brave girl! Yana is ten years old.

Yana's Passion for Horses and Horse Riding

Yana's Passion for Horses and Horse Riding video

     It's amazing sometimes how much we learn from children. Some people spend half their lives discovering their passion and the other half fidgeting if they'll do it or not. 

     Take some time to visit a riding stables and you wouldn't help but admire the beauty and strength of a horse. Pay attention to the riders, the groomsmen, the horse trainers, and the instructors. Sooner or later, you'll get a very clear understanding of what passion really is.
“There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.” - R. S. Surtees

image via weheartit