Horse Riding Philippines is an online resource for Filipinos with passion for horses and horse riding. This is about the love for horses, horsemanship, and the equestrian sport in the Philippines as we experience it. This blog came to birth as our daughter "Yana" dreams of a life with horses. And we share the tips, suggestions, expert advise, and how to's of enjoying this sports as we find them along the way.
Rain, rain, go away... Yana wants to ride today...
It's Saturday and it's been raining since yesterday. Weather forecast says it will be raining 'til Monday. So, I guess its just not Yana's day today- No matter how much she wishes the rain to go away! July has more rains compared to last June. I remember of a time when Yana was having a pleasure ride and it rained. It was just last month. Guess what happened?
"Yana's Pleasure Ride and it Rains" video The other riders in the video are the stables' grooms.
Yana's pleasure ride with the grooms (in the rain)
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