A Glimpse of Yana's Horesback Riding Lesson with Miller last Saturday

Image via inspiring short stories
 Trotting Poles

     School summer break has come and Yana loves having the time to go to the stables and ride. 
     Yana wears the inflatable safety vest since this summer is really getting hot. It's lighter, cooler, and gives her more freedom of movement.
     Miller, MEC's newest stallion (such a handsome horse) is Yana's darling. She's so fond of him not just because he's so good looking but because he is also a very nice horsey :)

(Serpentine, Canter, Collected and Extended Trot)

Yana with MEC's newest stallion Miller
Yana and Miller practicing serpentine
Yana's horseback riding lesson at MEC 
Yana's horseback riding lesson at MEC 
Yana's horseback riding lesson at MEC  (circles)
Yana's horseback riding lesson at MEC  (trot)


  1. Horse riding is an incredible joyful experience. Learning to ride gives you a sense of mystical pleasure as you are able to communicate and become one with the horse.

    Bryce National Park Horse Rides

  2. That looks absolutely amazing! I am not very familiar with horses, so I found your post very interesting.

    Sleigh Rides in Utah

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, yes she does wear the inflatable vest. We got it from MEC (Marikina Equestrian Center) through someone who imported some units. They don't have it anymore. But most people says its actually designed for motorcycle or bike riders.
